The game awards are almost here and you know what that means. Trailers of upcoming games. But we also have the nominations for this years games awards. Unfortunately for either of the boys they didn’t play much of this years games but that sure didn’t stop them on giving their opinion on the selections. Also IO Interactive (the guys who work on Hitman), announced they are working on a new Bond game. Plus Daniel discusses his love for the WWE game No Mercy, arguably the best wrestling game ever, as they celebrate its 20th anniversary. And we have lots more in this jam packed episode.
Notable Time Stamps:
2:15 Intro
6:51 What we been watching
26:45 What we been playing
57.11 Flashback segment
2:05:00 Break (music Stickerbrush Symphony by David Wise from Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest)
2:05:53 Gaming news
2:51:35 Game Award Nominations
4:06:05 New releases
4:13:20 Closing