Super Ultra Podcast Arcade

Episode 310: Goodbye 2020

Dominic StallworthComment

This the last podcast before the New Year and we still got a few gaming news to discuss. Also the boys discuss the big Christmas movies that were released on home streaming networks; Wonder Woman 84 and Pixar's Soul. And on our final flashback segment on the Podcast we discuss what were the games of the year 10 and 20 years ago.

Games Shown: Yakuza Kiwami 2, Control, Donkey Kong

Notable Time Stamps for Vid

3:15 Intro

14:00 What we are watching

1:01:29 What we are playing

1:14:46 Flashback segment

1:43:53 break

2:05:16 Games with gold

2:09:32 New releases

2:12:28 Closing

Notable Time Stamps for Audio

3:14 intro

14:01 What we been watching

1:01:29 What we been playing

1:14:45 Flashback Segment

1:43:53 Break (music is "Mary" by Harry Stokes)

1:45:10 Gaming News

2:06:40 Games for Gold

2:10:53 New releases

2:13:50 Closing