We got a full Nintendo Direct finally. The Boys talk about what's coming from the Big N (*Spoilers: No Waluigi), and other gaming news.
Games Played in Vid: Super Mario 3D World, Hades, Dragon Ball FighterZ
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro
6:18 What we been watching
46:46 What we been playing
1:12:45 Flashback segment
1:30:45 Gaming News
2:53:35 New releases
2:57:00 Closing
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro
6:18 What we been watching
46:46 What we been playing
1:12:45 Flashback segment
1:30:49 Break (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword theme)
1:31:51 Gaming news
2:54:39 New releases
2:01:51 Closing