Super Ultra Podcast Arcade

Episode 335

Dominic StallworthComment

Hoped everyone had a Happy 4th of July and now lets get back to games. Daniel talks about his time with the new Mario Golf and Dominic talks about his time with Xbox Game Cloud . Also the guys talk about news on the new Sony acquisitions, Ghost of Tsushima, new Remedy project, and more.

Games played in vid: Mario golf, Gang Beasts, Xbox Game Cloud browser, Curved Space


0:00 Intro

4:06 What we been watching

24:17 What we been playing

1:09:21 Flashback Segment

1:41:11 Gaming News

2:24:37 Games for gold

2:26:37 PlayStation Plus

2:27:28 New Releases

2:31:48 closing


0:00 Intro

4:06 What we been watching

24:17 What we been playing

1:09:21 Flashback Segment

1:41:13 Break

1:42:15 Gaming News

2:25:41 Games for gold

2:27:41 PlayStation Plus

2:28:32 New Releases

2:32:52 closing