We are at the start of fall/holiday season of game releases. The guys played a few new releases including I am Fish, Skatebird, and Flynn son of Crimson. Also the guys have a discussion about the character Ashley from Mass Effect of why a lot of the gaming community consider her "racist" and is their assessment is valid.
Games Played in Vid: I am Fish, Eastward, Skatebird, Flynn son of Crimson, Trails of Cold steel 2
Notable timestamps:
0:00 Intro (Sports and wrestling)
18:11 What we been watching
57:45 What we been playing
1:21:11 Flashback Segment
1:46:11 Gaming News
1:59:22 Ashley discussion
2:33:47 New Releases
2:44:15 closing
Notable timestamps:
0:00 Intro (Sports and wrestling)
18:11 What we been watching
57:45 What we been playing
1:21:11 Flashback Segment
1:46:14 Break
1:47:43 Gaming News
2:00:53 Ashley Discussion
2:35:18 New Releases
2:45:47 closing