Sony has shown off its new VR controllers for PS5 and that pretty much gives a good outlook for VR for next gen. Even Microsoft sought of gave a hint to something possibly down the line(not on purpose). Also Sony acquires Evo fighting tournament, Square Enix had a Showcase showing off upcoming games and celebrating Tomb Raider's 25th anniversary, and Dying Light 2 maybe coming this year(believe it when I see it) and lots more.
Games Played in Vid: Super Mario 3D World, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Doom 1993
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro (Sports)
7:45 What we been watching
38:17 What we been playing
29:46 Flashback segment
1:35:15 Gaming News
2:08:49 New releases
2:15:12 Closing
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro Sports
7: 45 What we been watching
38:17 What we been playing
29:46 Flashback segment
1:35:17 Break- Tomb Raider Theme Music
1:36:05 Gaming news
2:09:39 New releases
2:16:02 Closing