Xbox showed off a ton of games on their ID@xbox twitch stream. The boys talk about some the games they saw on the stream. Also the guys talk about Sony shutting down their PlayStation store for PS3, PSP, and PS vita, new Call of Duty rumors, and people pissed with Nier Automata on Steam.
#Xbox, #Playstation, #CallofDuty, #NierAutomata
Games Played: Watch dogs Legion, Final Fantasy Remake,
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro (Sports and Wrestling)
14:36 What we been watching
40:47 What we been playing
1:10:39 Flashback segment
1:35:35 Gaming News
2:11:47 New releases
2:16:30 Closing
Notable Timestamps:
0:00 intro (Sports and Wrestling)
14:36 What we been watching
40:47 What we been playing
1:10:39 Flashback segment
1:35:40 Break
1:36:45 Gaming News
2:12:57 New releases
2:17:40 Closing